5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Kinky People


With all the new reports about kink and fetish and the groundswell of attention in the mainstream media, we dug up five facts most people don’t know about the BDSM community!

1. There is absolutely a right way to do things. People are fond of saying “there is no right way” or no “true way,” but they are only doing that because they want to keep all the secrets for themselves. Once you learn the secrets, you will understand and it makes a huge difference!

2. All men are really dominant and women are all submissive. Some people take longer than others to figure it out, but it is true and verified by the Human Genome Project.

3. Almost every single problem in any relationship can be fixed by the submissive being more submissive. It turns out to be true, verified by science. Believing otherwise just means you are in denial.

4. The importance of communication is wildly exaggerated. While it is important to give some demands, good slaves can guess what you want and deliver. If that isn’t happening, see fact #3.

5. Switches really are just “confused.” MRIs of the brains of people who define themselves as “switches” show severe short circuiting in many of the higher level brain functions. Low level electroshock therapy can help alleviate the condition. It has also been found to be effective with “male submission” and “female dominance.”

Photo credit: Beverly Yuen Thompson CC: NC

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