BDSM Man Updates Risk Profile for COVID


Yorkshire, Montana

After a long online discussion and negotiation with a new submissive, Master Kevin Leventhal, 28, has decided to add COVID-related activities to his BDSM “risk profile.”

Risk profiles are often used to determine compatibility among BDSM partners, particularly, including activities that may include injury or serious harm.

Leventhal updated his list to include: “Shopping for my own groceries,” “Occasional public walks,” and “Visiting drive through restaurants (mask worn).”

Even with the disclosure, it wasn’t enough to make submissive Jill Krown, 35, feel comfortable.

“With Instacart, Door Dash, and GrubHub, I just don’t feel like anyone need to buy their own groceries anymore.  I mean if I can’t trust him with a shopping trip, how can I trust him in a needle scene or with whipping or flogging?”

Many other submissives are taking note and demanding that potential dominants disclose all activities that may present a risk for COVID.

Leventhal agreed.  “I think it is really important to be on the same page about these things of things.  Otherwise you end up with some nasty surprises.”

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