Dungeon Voices: Global Warming


Do you think global warming is being caused by humans?

girl1_sized Yes, but I also think we are being punished for having too much fun. I always get punished, so it fits with my worldview.

-Kim Jenns, 25, Jeweler

girl 4 pc 26 I do. The answer is simple. If we all just used more air conditioning, we could cool this place down in no time. Why do I always have to come up with these answers?

-Kim Bratch, 29, TV Spokesmodel

man2 pc28 It is all these hot women. You see them everywhere. Everywhere except my bedroom. Any advice on how to fix that problem?

-Fred Finkle, 61, Wallpaper Meta-Critic

Photo credits: Jasper Gregory, (cc), HM Revenue & Customs (cc)

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