Male Dom Runs Out of Bullshit Halfway Through Virtual Class


New York, Nebraska

By all accounts, things were going well for Master Geo Briggs, a well-known and well-respected Leatherman from the local community.  Suddenly, the screen appeared to freeze and the sound went quiet 90 mins into the webinar, “My Leather Journey.”

“We all thought it was just a technological glitch,” said Morris Kwendy, 35, the organizer of the online seminar.  “But it turned out that he just ran out of platitudes and was just drawing a blank.”

“It happens,” Kwendy continued, “More often than you might think.”

Briggs was philosophical about it.  “I thought I had three full hours of bullshit.  Turns out I didn’t.  I had more like 90 minutes.  It is the kind of thing that makes you really think.  When you don’t have other people affirming just how “leather” you are and talking about family, you start to realize maybe this is all just one big narcissistic head trip.”

Slave Bridget, 42, said she was surprised.  “Usually Master can talk about himself all night.  But at the same time, this wasn’t about me.  So, I wasn’t really paying attention.  By the way, I am a power slave.  Maybe I should do one of these talks.  I can easily talk for three hours about me.”

Those who attended the webinar had mixed reviews.  While some felt that it wasn’t worth the $10 admission fee, others found the seminar interesting.

“I’m kinda new to all this,” said Wayne Louds, a 22 year old aspiring Dominant and Master.  “I definitely have a much better understanding now of what a leather heart is.  He said that a lot, so I know it is a really important thing to say.  I am super excited to have my own journey.”





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