Man’s BDSM Scene Causes A Scene



Master Kevin “Binder King” De Luca caused a commotion at his local dungeon, “The Hot Spot,” by placing his submissive and partner Nightengale, 22, in bondage and proceeding to spank her in front of two dozen event-goers.

“It was a shock,” recounted submissive Donna French, 47. “I have been coming to these dungeon parties for a few years now and I have never seen anyone actually play. Everyone talks about it, but no one actually does anything.”

Timothy Kent, a 48 year old Male Dom, found the event off-putting. “This guys shows up and makes all of us look bad. Sure he has skills and a beautiful partner, but actually doing BDSM? That is just showing off.”

The two dungeon monitors present became flummoxed, unsure of how to handle the situation.

“We are there mostly to monitor fashion, dress codes, and to make sure conversations don’t get too heated,” one of the local DMs commented. “We just aren’t trained to assess bondage and spanking. It just doesn’t happen here very often.”

The club owner, Martin Quisp, 63, was elated. “Finally! Someone actually played in the dungeon. That is what all the equipment is for after all. Maybe some others will that the hint and start playing too.”

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