Master David “Dink” Morgan Collars Some Woman



Legendary Leather Master David Morgan collared some bitch named Stephanie in a ceremony last night that he clearly rushed into without thinking. The ceremony featured Master David pledging his commitment to his “beloved pet,” who he has known all of three months, while the bitch mouthed platitudes she can’t possibly mean in response.

The ceremony was well received among the dozen invited guests, prompting questions about why no one can see through this manipulative, opportunistic cunt’s shallow facade.

The couple who, by all appearances are very badly matched, spoke of commitment, obedience and the importance of service in a committed Master/slave relationship. Master David then placed a better collar than she could possibly deserve around her neck, locking it in place with a small padlock.

The “slave,” who is actually completely unappreciative and incapable to true human emotion, put on quite the little show, weeping and telling the room how happy she was to have finally found her perfect master.

All in attendance reported being “happy for the master and slave” clearly not realizing the doomed nature of the relationship.

Master David, clearly under he spell of her lies and deceit, toldĀ The Daily Flogger that “he is happier than he has ever been,” adding that, “she completes me and has the heart of a true slave,” raising questions about who will help him put his life back together when he discovers who this woman truly is.

Photo credit: grendelkhan (cc)

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