Pandemic Displays Classic BDSM “Red Flags”


Richmond, Utah

Relationship counselor and BDSM expert Dr. Linda Motts, has started offering a new workshop about the perils of what she calls “problematic pandemic relationships.”

In her workshop she helps participants look for what she describes as “classic red flags in any BDSM relationship.”

For Dr. Motts, the first and most important issue is to determine if “the pandemic if trying to isolate you.  One of the biggest red flags is cutting you off from friends and even family.  At that point it becomes much easier to control you.”

Other signals that you might be in an unhealthy relationship with the global pandemic is seeing changes in your daily behavior and routine.  “Are you being asked to wear things you don’t want to wear, like masks?  Not letting the world see the real you? ”

Things like personal grooming are also an issue.  “Why is the last time you were allowed to get a hair cut?  Controlling your appearance is a major warning sign.”

For most people, Motts says, the pandemic is “overly controlling and narcissistic.  Exactly the kind of partner that can feed on weaker or submissive partners.”

Motts suggests that her workshop can help, but that the outcome isn’t guaranteed.

“There is no magic formula.  No shot in the arm that makes you immune to its effects.  Victims of this kind of pandemic can only be cured with dozens of very costly sessions.”

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