Online Dating Profile Causes Major Issues



When Kate McKuren, 32, went out on a date with her latest online dating match, she found herself in for a big surprise.

“He told me he was into stocks and I just assumed he meant financial,” she said. “When he showed up in a leather mask with handcuffs, I should have said something.”

Her date, Jeff Dinkle, 56, says he tries to be upfront about his interests, but is frequently misunderstood. “I talk a lot about stocks and bonds, as in bondage. It is not my fault when people misunderstand.”

McKuren agreed to a light bondage scene after some negotiation but isn’t sure if she’ll accept a second date from Dinkle, but was leaning toward giving her new “stock broker” another go.

“He’s kind of creepy,” she said, “but in a cute way.”

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