Fallout Continues from Leather Family Xmas Dinner



Holidays are tough times for families, says Dr. Joan Hemmrich, a practicing family therapist for 20 years, and leather families are no exception.

This year’s annual holiday gathering for the House of Master Paul has created fractures in the leather family that may be difficult to heal.

While Master Paul and his slaves Tina and Beverly had an enjoyable evening, reports continue to filter out about the evening’s events.

Slave Kristen and slave Mark, the newest additions to the family were required to sit at a small table, off to the side, leaving them feeling like they “were being treated like children.” Running out of silverware added to the stress. “They made us eat with a plastic fork and knife,” slave Mark told The Daily Flogger, “it is just bad planning and made us feel like they didn’t care.”

With Master Keith and slave Brooke in the middle of a break up and the revelation that Louis, who announced he was now to simply be called Lou, had voted for Donald Trump in this year’s election, conversation turned from lively to hostile.

“It was like the floodgates opened,” said Mistress Denise, a longtime family member, “after a few drinks he didn’t even seem to hide it. Racist, sexist, homophobic rants. It was a shock.”

According to Dr. Hemmrich, mixing alcohol and holidays is a “recipe for alienation, resentment, and general bad feelings.”

The gift exchange, according to Amir, who is a bisexual switch, “is where things got really weird. Louis gave everyone Trump hats and demanded we wear them. That’s when the physical altercations began.”

When reached for comment, Master Paul said, “It was a lovely night, celebrating together. There were no problems.”

Reports from Fetlife say otherwise, as all but Master Paul and his two slaves have removed themselves from the family profile.

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