Gentle Men in Charge Redefine Kink



A new theme party at a local dungeon has taken the idea of being a “gentleman” to new heights. The party, called “Gentle Men in Charge” focuses on a new form of kink and SM play, modifying traditional approaches to make them more “gentle.”

According to Master Crow, 27, the approach is “designed to make female submissives feel more comfortable in the dungeon environment.”

Some of the rules include only using “dull knives,” avoiding anything “too painful,” not touching above the collarbone for neck play, and that all “kicking, slapping, and hitting” must be done “gently.”

Submissive Brianna, 19, said she love the theme because it makes her feel “safe and in control” and allows her to experience kink without “actually having to deal with the pain and discomfort of getting hit and stuff.”

“It all fits,” said Master Zee, 23, “we are gents, our party is for gentle men and we do our kink gently.”

One of the requirements for play appeared to be dramatic flogging scenes, where the dominant was able to display their talent for rhythmically swinging leather floggers in time to the music.

“You have to be careful,” Master Dominic, 28, told The Daily Flogger, “you want your scene to look impressive and dramatic, but if you actually make contact with the submissive’s body it can be quite painful and even leave marks.”

“The trick,” he explained, “is to look good, without actually causing any real pain. Most of the people I flog, liken it to a good massage.”

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