Nine Inch Cock Only Six Inches

VAN NUYS, CA: Local dom and self-proclaimed “ladies man” Dom “Donnie” Dawn tells all the girls after he plays with them at area dungeon “The Shadow Club” that it’s time he shows them his “nine inch cock“. Unfortunately, Mr. Dawn has only a six inch member.
Women at the local club began comparing notes a few months back, expressing dismay at Mr. Dawn’s overall length as well as his misrepresentation to the women.
“We went into the back room so I could, you know, show my appreciation for the scene and he pulled out of his leather pants something substantially less appealing than nine full inches,” said Julie “Purrfect” Smythe, a dungeon denizen. “I was disappointed.”
Other women there have expressed similar disappointment.
“I measure from the base,” Donnie Dawn told this reporter. “Usually, I do a bit of a painful push on the ruler to make sure I’m not missing anything, but I swear it’s a full nine inches!”
Women at the club suspect some sort of metric system misunderstanding or perhaps a calibration error.
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